New & Used Piano Sales
Northside Music has over 650 new and used keyboard instruments in stock. These instruments are offered for sale or rent, with name brands such as: Kawai, Laughead, Wurlitzer, Kimball, Young Chang, Story & Clark, Yamaha, Baldwin, Charles Walter, and Steinway. Actually, with this number of pianos, we have lots of brands you've never heard of! We have a piano to fit your tastes and our certified service technicians will work with you to get the instrument you need and can use. Please call us, we LOVE to talk pianos. Unfortunately, with many of our manufacturers, we aren't allowed to list prices online, and some even over the phone. Give us a call and we'll explain, and help you out with your questions.

Piano Rentals
We always say that, "happy homes have pianos." If you are unsure of whether or not you want to commit to buying a piano or other keyboard instrument, renting could be a great option for you.
Northside Music not only sells and repairs pianos, we also do rentals! We rent pianos starting at very low and reasonable monthly rates. Not only can you pay month-by-month, but these payments also cover any general maintenance. There is a separate moving fee for the delivery of your rental. We understand that you may not know exactly what kind of instrument you are looking to rent. The great thing about our employees coming from musical backgrounds and training is that if you call or come in and explain in general what you’re interested in, we will help you pick out a rental instrument. There is plenty of variety in rental options so you will never feel limited. Please feel free to contact us for more details or just stop in and see us!
Player Pianos
Player pianos have been around since 1900 and continue to be produced in both their original and updated forms. The original design used paper player piano rolls and a system of pneumatic valves and actuators to play music. Modern players can connect to a phone or tablet and allow your piano access to a library of thousands of songs. Northside music routinely rebuilds old player pianos and installs new player systems on pianos that didn't previously have one. Either of these processes would start by having an appraisal done.
Piano Services

Northside Music has the experience and expertise to move your piano with the care that it deserves. Our certified moving specialists will baby your precious instrument for you. We can move an instrument across the room, around the house, down the block, or across the country. We have trucks specially modified to move pianos without damaging them.
Tuning & Service
Our piano tuners have a unique perspective that not many can boast. Because Northside Music completely rebuilds pianos, our tuners have acquired a skill set that is not common among trained tuners. Our employees know the ins and outs of pianos and have seen them built from scratch. Our piano tuners are trained in a shop that is building piano frames and chip tuning in production.
A major part of Northside's business is in the restoration of fine pianos made prior to 1950. There is a two-year waiting list for this work. During restoration, the piano is torn down to the wood cabinet. After everything has been redone or replaced, the piano is reassembled. After reassembly, each restored piano goes through several quality checks, including eight to ten tunings. "Northside Music restores most pianos so they will be good for another 50 to 60 years of hard use." Mills says.